Thedasrevolutions Wiki

Religion differs from race to race, but the majority of Thedas (i.e the humans) believe in the Maker and the Chant of Light.


The Prophet of the Maker, born in Denerim - Ferelden. Bride of the Maker and led the Exalted march against the Archons of the Tevinter Imperium. Although Tevinter was not defeated Andraste's legacy is long lasting and the Chantry she set up is now more powerful than the Tevinter Imperium.

Chantry, The[]

The 'Church' of Thedas, children of the Maker, they believe that when the Chant of Light has reached all of Thedas the Maker will come again. They believe that mages are responsible for all evil in the world and that blood mages must be eliminated. The Templar Order is seen as the military arm of the Chantry, also the Chantry restrict them to controlling mages and hunting maleficar (blood mages).

Dwarven Paragons[]

Paragons are the elite of the dwarven culture. They are the noble warriors, politicians, smiths and surprisingly, children that all others seek to emulate. A Paragon is elected by the Assembly of the Shaperate. When a Paragon is chosen a House is created, that very instant, in the name of the Paragon, and his/her name is recorded in the Memories, the records of the dwarven people. The word of a Paragon carries an almost equal weight to that of the King. Not through any special political power, but because the word of a Paragon is held in that much respect by all dwarves.

Elven Pantheon[]

The Elven Pantheon comprises five gods and four goddesses, whom the modern Dalish refer to as "the Creators." The pantheon is led by Elgar'nan the All-Father, god of fatherhood and vengeance, and Mythal the Protector, goddess of motherhood and justice. There are also references in elven mythology to another race of gods, called "The Forgotten Ones," the enemies of the elven pantheon. It is said that Fen'Harel was the only one able to walk freely between the two groups, and they both thought of him as one of their own.

Imperial Chantry, The[]

The Chantry does exist in the Tevinter Empire, but it is not the same as Chantry's in the rest of Thedas. Blood magic being tolerated is one of many differences.

Maker, The[]

According to the Chantry, the creator of all things.

Old Gods, The[]

Old Gods are beings that were worshipped by a significant number of Thedosians, specifically the mages of the Tevinter Imperium, thousands of years ago. The mages worshipped them in the form of dragons. Legend holds that it was the Old Gods who initially taught mages how to use magic. It is widely believed (if not generally accepted as self-evident) throughout Thedas that the archdemons are the sleeping Old Gods, tainted and corrupted by the darkspawn.

For information on the ancient religion in the form of the cult that was preserved see Primoris Incendia.

Qun, The[]

The religion of the Qunari is the way of the Qun - a lore that is both complicated and deep, running through Qunari culture like blood through one's veins.
