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Nevarra is a fierce, warmongering nation, located in the centre of Thedas. Originally one of the larger Free Marches city-states, Nevarra benefited from its strategic location, nestled between the Free-Marches to the East, the Anderfels to the West and Tevinter and Orlais to the North and South respectively. The Nevarran’s lead an aggressive expansion campaign over the last two centuries and have secured themselves in Thedas, becoming a power to rival Orlais itself. This was never more evident when Nevarra launched an assault against the Orlesian Empire, and wrested control of their great Northern cities, Perendale and the surrounding areas, which include the mineral rich Blasted Hills to the west. This victory earned Nevarra considerable prestige in addition to wealth and proved that, the mighty Lion of Orlais was not so invulnerable after all. For now Nevarra seems to be content with the vast territories it has conquered, which include the former Free-Marches city state of Hasmal, and the newly formed peace between Orlais and Nevarra seems to cement this notion. However all eyes still remain on the centre of Thedas, for some suspect it is only a matter of time, before Nevarra grows restless and unleashes its vast armies to conquer once more.

The Ruling family[]

Centuries of Dynastic rule held between Nevarra's two most powerful clans, the Pentaghasts and the Van Markhams came to an end in 9:39. The end of the second Pentaghast Dynasty paved the way for the ascension of the Clavarie clan to become the nation's ruling family, with Artimus Clavarie I as Nevarra's current King.

In a rather unprecedented turn of events, given Nevarra's bloody history of their ruling dynasties being overthrown in fire and blood of rebellion, the Clavaries attained power quite peacefully and without bloodshed, much to the surprise of the kingdom. It began with the death of King Markus Pentaghast, who after an eighty-seven year reign, passed way peacefully in his sleep at the age of one-hundred and ten years old. He left Nevarra in a golden age of wealth and power the likes of which rivalled Orlais itself. This also made the Nevarran throne all the more tempting for those from both the Pentaghast clans who desired to hold onto their power and the Van Markhams who wished to begin their second Dynasty.

Markus had no children and his only heir, his younger brother Ferdinand, ironically died before he did. So with no named successor chosen by the venerable king before he passed, the matter fell to the Council of State. For an entire year after the Pentaghast's line failed without a clear heir, the Council debated and ruled the Kingdom until a new ruler was chosen. With the flames of the mage rebellion beginning to spread all over thedas, and the kingdom on the verge of an all out civil war, the Council was under enormous pressure from all sides. The Pentaghasts and Van Markhams, naturally wanted one of their own to succeed to the throne, while other noble families believed that it was time for both to stand aside so that a new clan could rule.

Eventually the council reached a decision that appeased all. Artimus Clavarie, a Count from Cumberland was chosen to be Nevarra's new king and it was a choice that all sides approved of. The Clavaries were cousins to the Van Markhams and had been married into the Pentaghasts and yet they belonged to neither house. So it was the first Clavarie Dynasty was founded in 9:40.

Notable members of House Clavarie[]

  • King Artimus Clavarie I of Nevarra
  • Queen Wilhelmina Clavarie (Née Pentaghast)
  • Crown Prince Alexis Clavarie
  • Princess Tatiana Clavarie (died 9:44 Nevarra City)
  • Princess Amalia Clavarie
  • Princess Rebekka Clavarie
  • Empress of Orlais Emmanuelle La Guerry (née Clavarie)
  • Archduke Lietpold Clavarie
  • Archduke Emmerich Clavarie

Government/Ruling Model[]

Having originally been one of the Free Marches City states, it is clear to see how that has impacted on Nevarra's state of Governance. In a system modelled after the loose alliance of the Free Marches cities share, Nevarra is comprised of Four Provinces. Each ultimately ruled by a Duke or Duchess, who owes his or her power to the unifying figurehead and ultimate authority of the King. So the governing of these provinces is largely independent, with all power resting with the Duke or Duchess and their Families. These rulers are given near complete control when it comes to the governing of their province, able to dictate laws, raise and lower taxes, and have fealty sworn to them by the lesser nobles of their Provinces. However despite their power, they too must answer and respect the Monarchs authority, which may be pressed upon the Provinces at any time. However, this power the Nevarran Monarchs may wish to use sparingly, for the Dukes and Duchesses are notoriously independent and do not like it when edicts for their Province are issued from the Council of state.

In times when a province's leadership refuses a direct order from the council of state, they usually receive a prompt visit from the king's Champion known as the Justicar of Nevarra.This renowned and often intimidating Knight, serves as a gentle reminder to the Provinces leadership as to whom holds their loyalty. If gentle reminders are not enough, then it is within the Justicar's power to arrest the defiant noble in question and return them to Nevarra to answer to the nation's Sovereign. The Justicar is also charged with ending any uprising or coup against the Nevarran Monarch. Many a disloyal nobles have met their end by the Justicar's blade.

The Council of State[]

Is appointed by the King or Queen to assist them in the day to day running of the Royal court and advise them on military and finical matters. The most prominent members of the Council include, the Grand Cleric of Nevarra, the Prelate of the Mortalitasi and the Grand Enchanter of the circle of Magi, and Marshals from the army. The rest are selected from the families of Nevarra's oldest and most aristocratic lines, like the Pentaghasts, the Van Markhams and the Lufftendorfs, among others. Although the council has no constitutional authority, when it speaks with one voice, it can exercise considerable influence over the Monarch. In this respect the Grand Cleric wields enormous power as she often manages to sway opinion her way. So it is that the Grand Cleric is usually behind the Council's most urgent recommendations and is arguable the most powerful woman in Nevarra.

Twice a year the Council of state, along with the Monarch meet with the remaining Provincial leaders to discuss major affairs of state. They provincial rulers are also summoned to meet with the council in extreme circumstances such as rebellion, invasion or when the Monarch dies without a clear heir. In such times, with the absence of the Monarch, the council of state - headed by the Grand Cleric, rule Nevarra until a successor is chosen by them.

The Prime Estates[]

This body came into being, when King Boris Pentagast (Boris the the Incompetent) tried to make his pet cat the Grand Prince of Eastheim. The Provincial rulers unanimously agreed that they needed some eyes and ears in the Nevarran capital to warn them if the King was planning any more "foolishness". Each of the provincial rulers sent a special representative to Nevarra city to form a watchdog body, which has since become the Kingdoms de facto supreme court. The Prime Estates carefully studies each edict issued by the King and Council of state, sending reports back to the Provincial leaders. The leaders can then attempt to veto the edict via the Prime Estates.

The Royal Plenipotentiaries[]

The Monarch also has their own watchdogs that are despatched to the provinces in an effort to effectively spy on the Dukes and Duchesses. These representatives are known as Royal Plenipotentiaries. To many they are seen as court favourites and sycophants, eager to worm their way up in the eyes of the King or Queen, and accorded little respect. Some are scheming, ambitious, individuals who are appointed to remote areas simply to keep them out of the way. Their presence in the Provincial courts, remind those that the King is always at hand - always watching.


Unlike their rival Orlais which maintains the façade of a Meritocracy, Nevarra is a true one. It is a nation that values honour, loyalty and patriotism as much as noble blood. It is more than an idea, that the family of a lowly cobbler can ascended to the ranks of nobility, it is indeed a practice by Nevarrans. It is believed that serving your king and country is expected of all Nevarran citizens and for that service they will be reward with land and riches. Though such a transition is not one that happens overnight. The climb from proletariat to the heights of power is a slow one that happens over many ages and its is a climb that few make. One man can not make a noble house in a single lifetime, but over generations his clan must prove his worth in service to nation and only then after a feat of great significance to Nevarra may then be rewarded a place among the high nobility.

For those of the older dynastic clans of Nevarra, who have reached the heights of power, honour and loyalty to Nevarran are still expected to paramount above all else. Though generations of decadence has often lead to a lapse in such virtues. They are not as frivolous as their Orlesian neighbours, who constantly grab for more and more power, nor are they as held back by old allegiances to Royal bloodlines like the Fereldens. If a noble believes that Nevarra's ruler is not fit for the throne, then they can by all rights try and lead a coup against the current regime, if it is in the kingdom's best interests. This is often how Dynasties succeed one another and a very viable excuse for ambitious nobles to legitimately claim the throne. So rebellions, while not a common occurrence would not be considered rare event either.

Given the extent of authority they command and the independence they are given from the crown, Nevarran nobles are content with their lot and tend to turn their ambitions outwards, such as expanding their territory into other nations rather than bickering amongst themselves.


Nevarran politics can be more than a little overwhelming to an unseasoned diplomat, with a Monarch and provincial leaders and several powerful bodies all claiming authority. Unlike in Orlais, the Nevarran Kings are not absolute Monarchs. While still the most powerful person in the kingdom, their power is kept in check with several groups and persons acting as counter balances to that power.

First and foremost are the provincial rulers, Dukes and Duchesses who preside over each of the four Nevarran provinces. This group of nobles (of which the king also a member) are extremely powerful and independent figures in their own right and have near complete authority when it comes to the governing of their province. The King can exert control over a province if he so chooses, by issuing edicts to the Provincial rulers themselves. The Monarch can also take more direct control over the provinces, through force or other means, like sending his Champion to strong arm the provincial Rulers into submission or by having them brought before the Council of State to answer for their disobedience.

A wise King will realise that trying to subdue the Province leaders through force and/or threats is a very dangerous errand, which all too easily ends up in open rebellion and civil war. Gaining their respect and loyalty through example and fair leadership tends to be the best solution. Then there are the Prime Estates, which acts as the kingdom's Supreme Court, and is a means in which the provincial rulers can then attempt to veto edicts issued from the King or council of State. The Prime Estates pass judgement on the matter.

The only body which can overturn a decision by the Prime Estates is the Council of State, which has the final say on the matter. Due to the close relationship between the King and the Council of State, it means the King will usually get his way in the long run. Though in turn, the council of state can also be seen to exert a considerable amount of influence over the Monarch. Thus power in Nevarran is distributed throughout several groups, rather than it resting in the hands of one, in what is considered a more fair state of governing.

Connections with other countries[]

Ruled by a military clan, Nevarra is a warmongering nation; and though being held between two major empires to the north and south, it could stand on its own against them. Nevarrans could held Perendale in their hands for long, and they still have stranded relations with Orlais, with much troops movement near the borders and around the mineral-rich Blasted Hills from both sides from time to time. Same could be said about the eastern borders with Free Marches, where they occupy Hasmal, making it a forward stronghold against Marchers. And while Nevarra haven't fought against Tevinter for good long period now (And with Tevinter ambassadors visiting Nevarra regularly), their true allies lies in the west, with the Anderfels being a strong trade partner over ages.

Connections to other Organisations and factions[]


The Mortalitasi are a group of mages in Nevarra who wield considerable political power and influence. Popularly referred to as "Death Mages", they are responsible for the mummification of the bodies of the Nevarran elite. Even though Mortalitasi are well-respected within the kingdom sometimes Mortalitasi advisers are accused of ruling through weak monarchs.


Both Orlesian and Nevarra based bards have influence here. The Bards will use their skills to steer the Nevarran rulers towards the Orlesian way of life.


To exert Orlesian influence further Chevaliers have been sent to Nevarran noble families and Nevarran nobles have been invited to train at Orlais’ Chevalier academie.

Hasmal Rebels[]

This group is deeply embedded in Hasmal and has gained recognition by the crown. Mortalitasi were sent to speak to the rebels - who want Hasmal to be an independent city and not a part of Nevarra.


The Nevarran culture revolves around tradition in military expertise, dragon hunting and the link between magic and death. As a nation, it has waged many wars against other countries but also defended its lands –sometimes succeeding and others failing. Battle is in the Nevarrans’ blood and it is no coincidence that they are perceived as a formidable power in Thedas. Since the days of old, Nevarra was closely linked to dragons and the thrill of hunting them. In fact, one of the royal families, the Pentaghasts, were dedicated to this task. Dragon hunting was quickly integrated into the Nevarran culture, with children growing up to become fierce warriors, searching for dragonbone and glory.

Finally, the Nevarrans are one of the few people whose culture demands to bury their dead, instead of burning them . They believe that when a person dies, its soul enters the Fade but occupies the place of another spirit while doing so. This belief has influenced the way they view magic and they are certainly more respectful to mages, with the latter even possessing political power, when compared to the rest of Thedas.

If it hasn’t already been made obvious by now, the Nevarran people don’t care much for appearances or art, even though there are a few notable artists and writers among them. They are generals, warriors and view strength as a great virtue, valuing it above all else.


Nevarrans use the Common Tongue like most countries in Thedas but they can be easily identified as Nevarran due to their accent, which is largely influenced by Orlesian.


Art is undoubtedly connected to all races. It is impossible for a group of people, a country, to be entirely unaffected or indifferent towards it however, art is more integrated into some cultures than to others. Nevarra is not renowned for its artists or musicians, neither for its writers or storytellers. Though there are notable men and women of the letters and arts, they are not the defining element of Nevarran culture. Nevertheless, the people who practice art in Nevarra, often draw their inspiration from the legendary tales of dragons and dragon hunters. They also often portrait scenes of battle and sceneries of war.

However when it comes to architecture, Nevarra will leave the best impressions to visitors. Each city or village is decorated with tall statues of heroes across its streets and one is surely to be in awe before the sight of the golden College of Magi in Cumberland. The necropolis which dominates the outskirts of Nevarra City is one of the most intriguing architectural designs that can be met around Thedas, with the tombs, especially the ones who belong to wealthy individuals, being pieces of arts themselves.


Nevarra has had influences both from Orlais and Tevinter in its fashion. it has combined the dark elements of Tevinter and the softer shapes of Orlais, choosing the best out of two dramatically different fashions. They wear makeup and jewelry made out of gold, dragonbone and other precious substances. However, the Nevarrans do not wear masks like in Orlais. With their obsession with death, and all that surrounds it, Nevarrans do prefer deathly and supernatural motifs. Their clothes, especially of the common folk, are identified by the varied strange patterns and the loose layers of fabric. Most of the pieces are practical but the jewelry always makes the difference. Jewelry in Nevarra is cheap, as thus almost everyone can afford it.


Few Nations in Thedas can boast to have a prouder military tradition than Nevarra, for battle and honour runs through the veins of the nation as much as it does the Nevarran people. They are often seen as a warmongering nation in the very centre of Thedas having fought and indeed invaded many of the neighbouring countries that share a border with them at some point or other. These carefully executed invasions, though each eventually was stopped still claimed vast, wealthy territories from the likes of the Free Marches and even the Mighty Empire of Orlais, territories which still belong to Nevarra to this day.

The State Troops, also known as the Provincial Army, are the professional standing armies of the Dukes and Duchesses of Nevarra. Their functions are to protect and ensure the safety of their provinces, surrounding lands, and villages from a variety of threats, as well as to serve as the local law enforcer in many towns and villages. They are armed with a variety of weapons, the most common being the Halberd, Sword, and Spear. As well has having a standing army, the Empire has the ability to call-up and use the warships of the Royal Navy, which are divided amongst the First Fleet and Second Fleet stationed within Cumberland

Since its existence, Navarra has always been a nation born and bred for war, fighting their rivals with the will, the steel, and the faith of their patriotic citizenry. With a chain of warfare (usually from invasions they themselves have overseen) the armies of the Nevarra are brimmed with grizzled Veterans of many campaigns, each one lead by an even greater man of strength, valor and heroic leaderships. Though Command of the Grand Army of Nevarra officially lays with the Nation’s Monarch, in practice it is usually Kings Champion, The Justicar of Nevarra, who leads the Kingdom’s Grand Army into battle on the King or Queens behalf. Beneath the King, are the Grand Marshals who command the two largest standing armies in Nevarra. These seasoned warriors also happen to be Dukes and rulers of Nevarra’s provinces of Easthiem and Middenhelm. With the Grand Marshal of the East seeing that the Power of Orlais remains in check, his counterpart in Hunter Fell looks to the the north and ensures that the the Tevinter Imperium have second thoughts before looking to expand their territories into Nevarra.

With the need for professional soldiers always on the rise, each soldier is regularly trained, equipped, and maintained at the expense of either the Royal Court or the Courts of the Provincial Rulers. Enlistment in the state troops means enlistment in a full-time profession, which also provides for the soldier's family. Armies stationed within the richer east near the Blasted Hills are equipped with the finest weaponry and armor available to them by their local Lord, with standard equipment being comparably superior than those in other national armies.

When not in war, Nevarran soldiers are required to drill and train on a regular basis in order to build their stamina and deepen their martial abilities when the time for combat soon reappears. Supervised by drill-sergeants, these men are harshly instruct in the importance of formation tactics and the need to fight as a cohesive unit capable of lending support to one another in the chaos of the battlefield. Those soldiers not stationed within a campaigning army usually serves as guards, acting as the local city watch, fire watch, and enforcers of the law, patrolling the streets or roads of the provinces for anything as small as minor criminal activities to as large as bandit raids to Invading Armies.

Knightly Orders[]

The Knightly Orders of Nevarra are a heroic brotherhood of armoured warriors who ride into battle atop mighty barded warhorses and sometimes other, more exotic creatures into battle such as wyverns, Varghest or even behemoth nugs! Each order is led by an Arch-Master, with several other master beneath him or her leading different chapters of the order. Knights are magnificent figures, clad in gleaming full plate armour crafted by Nevarran smiths , armed with weaponry of the finest quality, and are the most elite warriors the Kingdom has to offer. Many sons and daughters of Nevarran nobility choose to join one of the many Knighthoods located throughout the provinces of Nevarra as a way to progress through society, and as such, the Knightly Orders come in many different shape and sizes. Some of these Orders, like the Knights of the Griffon, only recruit from the local nobility, while others become Holy warriors dedicated to serving as an unofficial arm of the Chantry, such as the zealous Knights of Andraste’s pyre or the Knights of the Krypt a small but dedicated order whom are known for their close association with the Mortalitasi as well as riding ferocious phoenixes into battle. Some are well known throughout Nevarra and indeed Thedas such as the Noble Order of the Knights Wyvern, while others are quite small, relatively unknown sects valiantly doing their part to make Nevarra safe.

The cavalrymen of Nevarra are considered to be among the strongest and most disciplined fighters in Thedas (with the possible exception of the Chevaliers of Orlais, whom they were modelled after). The Royal Cavalry historically recruits their members from the nobility, a tradition that is less practiced nowadays, but still maintained by some of the older institutions and orders. For the most part the Knightly Orders permit anyone of merit and sufficient skill to their ranks, once they have undergone the rigorous but necessary years of training. However the martial and mental requirements to be a Knight is often steep and hard to achieve without any prior knowledge of being a cavalrymen, this usually prevents any unskilled commoners from joining their prestigious ranks. However should someone of low birth manage to attain their knighthood, then they will be accepted as both a peer and an equal.



The prominent religion in Nevarran is The Chantry. Though they claim to be Andrastian they have an entirely different practice for the dead when compared to other Andrastian countries. Nevarran’s will not burn their dead for two reasons. First they believe that a soul is displaced when someone new enters The Fade and so they must provide a host for the displaced soul. They mummify and entomb the bodies of their dead. Secondly the burning of a body is seen as sacrilegious and insensitive since Nevarra was ravaged by dragon fire. The bodies of the elite are taken to the Necropolis - the city of the dead - where the Mortalitasi take care of them. The Necropolis stands at the city centre of Nevarra City.


The appearance of ancient cults is not uncommon in Nevarra, newer cults has risen up as a result of the return of dragons.

Views on Magic[]

Nevarrans, much like Tevinters, differ greatly when it comes to the way they view magic comparing to the rest of Thedas. In Nevarra, mages possess almost as much power, politically speaking, as the mages in the Imperium. They are addressed as figures of respect and authority, rather than dangerous individuals.

It is no secret that Nevarran magi have a unique connection to death, and all that surrounds its mystery. Outside of the Nevarran City, lies the vast Necropolis, the burial grounds, for in Nevarra the people tend to bury the dead, rather than burn them. Mages often focus on the practices of either entropy or death magic. The order of Mortalitasi, who are responsible for the Necropolis, wields much power in Nevarra and its members often act as advisors to nobility, or even kings. These mages are treated with suspicion from the rest of the world, but in Nevarra not so much. The general obsession with death is in the atmosphere, and the locals tend not to be intimidated by such morbid practices.


Thanks to enormous wealth and a strategic central location in Thedas, some claim Nevarra's power rivals that of the Orlesian Empire. It has vast farmland, mineral resources, is close to Kal-Sharok who provide various deep roads materials (such as lyrium). The Imperial Highway runs straight through it and it has access to the waking Sea as well as river trade along the Minanter.


Nevarra is located in central Thedas, south of the Imperium, west of the Free Marches and northeast of Orlais. It used to belong to the Free Marches but over the years it expanded and was established as a nation of its own. Its geographic location is strategically important, the country providing passage to significant nations like Tevinter, Orlais and the Free Marches.

Across its northern borders lie the Silent Plains while at its southern-west parts there are the Fields of Ghislain, close to the borders of Orlais. The country has two main rivers, Minanter and Cumber, with Minanter travelling across the lands of Nevarra, considering it is quite long. Plenty of fields, forests and a few mountains and lakes are also present, and at its south part, where Cumberland stands, Nevarra meets the Waking Sea.

At last, the Imperial Highway passes through Nevarran lands. It extends from the Silent Plains to Cumberland, crossing Minanter river, then it turns west to Orlais.

Cities and Provinces[]

Nevarra his divide up into four provinces, each of which acts largely like its own state, with its own ruler and capital city. While the provinces are by and large autonomous from the Kings governing, each province still owes fealty and allegiance to Nevarra's Monarch, in who's name they officially rule and derive power from.

The rulers of these provinces are granted honorary titles,in addition to their Rank of Duke or Duchess. These Titles reflect the province they rule, such as the Grand County of Middenhelm, where the ruler would be known as the Grand count. Where as the province of Cumberland is too small to be considered a County and is known as a Grand barony instead, so its ruler would have the additional title of Grand Baron or Grand Baroness. In reverse, the Province of Eastheim, is not only one of the larger Nevarran provinces but is also under the direct rulership of the King. so Eastheim is known as the Grand Principality of Eastheim. Indeed the King has a duel role, being both King of Nevarra and Grand Prince of Estheim. Usually the Monarchs assign the ruling of the Province to their eldest child, in preparation for when they one day succeed the throne. This is not always the case however, particularly if the child is still too young to govern.

The Four Provinces[]

In the very centre of the nation lies the capital, Nevarra City. It is here that remains the seat of Nevarran power, with both the Royal Family, the Council of State and the prime estates are all located here. Nevarra City is also home to the Grand Necropolis, where the Nevarran's entomb the bodies of their dead. Though most settlements in Nevarra have a crypt or Necropolis of their own, nor are as large or old or decrepit as the Grand Necropolis. So the city also serves as the headquarters for the Mortalitasi, the mysterious and secretive order of death mages who oversee the Grand Necropolis.

To the south, in the Grand Barony of Cumberland, naturally lies the port city of Cumberland. This influential port lies on the waking sea, straddling the mouth of the river Cumber has expanded to become one of the largest cities in Thedas. It is here that the Collage of Magi is located and is therefore the home of the Grand Enchanter as well.

To the east, lingering dangerously close to the boarders of the Free Marches, lies the once free city state of Hasmal. The city was conquered in the Blessed age and has been part of the Nevarran kingdom ever since. Though the city has tried several times to free itself from the Nevarran kingdom, each rebellion was crushed. In the last attempt at freedom, the rebels managed to kill the city's Count. With not two, but five heirs, all with strong claims to the title, the Nevarran Army has assumed command of the city, while the Prime Estates, solves the matter of succession.

Other major cities in Nevarra include, Hunter Fell, the ancestral home to the famed Pentaghast Clan. Perendale, the capital of Westermarch. Nessum, birthplace of the Lufftendorfs. Caimen Brea and Trevis are other large Nevarran cities located on the northern border. Across its northern borders lie the Silent Plains while at its southern-west parts there are the Fields of Ghislain, close to the borders of Orlais. The country has two main rivers, Minanter and Cumber, with Minanter travelling across the lands of Nevarra, considering it is quite long. Plenty of fields, forests and a few mountains and lakes are also present, and at its south part, where Cumberland stands, Nevarra meets the Waking Sea.

At last, the Imperial Highway passes through Nevarran lands. It extends from the Silent Plains to Cumberland, crossing Minanter river, then it turns west to Orlais.

Flora and Fauna[]

Nevarra’s natural life is rich, considering that Minanter River blesses the lands with water, as it travels across the country. Due to this, the ground is fertile and crops, rice and a wide selection of vegetables flourishes around the long river. Water gives life to plants and plants give life to animals, as they all are connected to the same natural chain and affect one another. Mostly boars, deers and rabbits inhabit the fields since they find plenty of food to survive.

The wilder animals inhabit the forests or mountains. The trees that cover the forests across the land are mostly pines, with all the variety that comes with the pine species, though up at the mountains, it is more likely for spruce to make its appearance. Wild boars, bears and even wyverns can be found on said mountains, or deep in the forests of the land but as far as wildlife goes, there is one particular creature which should be named king among the rest.

Dragons. Though not as common as they once were in Nevarra, the country is infamous for these majestic beasts, wreaking havoc and causing serious damage to the inhabitats and also famous for its tradition in dragonhunting. Nowadays, dragons are fewer but can still be crossed if one dares to travel deep into the forests or high at the Nevarran mountains.

Regional Racial Characteristics[]

"Complexion:" Olive Complexion. "Common eye colors:" Shades of Brown and Hazel "Common hair colors:" Shades of Brown "General Description:" The Nevarrans, usually, are of various builds and statures, with the people being of an average height. It is to be noted that native-born Nevarrans usually have big almond-shaped eyes. Their complexion and hair-eyes color combination are often of darker tones.


Reading a bit about Nevarra, one soon comes to realize that this nation is strongly associated with dragons and war. Either by occupying lands or being conquered by others, Nevarra has seen many wars and has fought many battles to the point where, one might dare say that, it closely follows Tevinter’s and Orlais’ steps. Apart from a tradition with wars, Nevarra has also tradition with ruling dynasties. Two of the most important families which ruled throughout the course of history in Nevarra, (with a few pauses) are the Pentaghasts and the Van Markham.

If we go back to the beginning of Nevarra, we will find the Pentaghasts again. The men and women who bore that name were heroes in the days of old, for they were dragonhunters. Once upon a time, dragons posed a great danger to the land and its people, but the Pentaghasts managed to almost drive them to extinction. Almost. There was glory to be found in dragon hunting and Nevarrans respected these fierce warriors as much as they respected kings.

In 2:46 Glory, Caspar Pentaghast seized the throne from Ionas and became the first Pentaghast to rule Nevarra.

In 3: 25 Towers, the situation turned grim for Nevarrans for, after the joined Orlesian-Tevinter army ended the Third Blight, they turned their attention to the newly-freed lands and Nevarra was occupied by Orlais, except Hunter fell. They managed to drive the Orlesians back in 3:65 Towers.

In 5:37 Exalted, the great general and military expert Tylus Van Markham, rumored descendent of Kordillus Drakon, was crowned king and led many successful campaigns against the Orlesians. His victories turned Nevarra to a formidable power in Thedas. The vendetta between Orlais and Nevarra had no end though. In 8:70 Blessed, the two countries fought over the control of the western hill around Parendale with the Nevarrans emerging victorious. This particular victory fueled their pride and in 8:82 Blessed, they led an aggressive campaign against the Marches but were stopped by Cade Arvale, who was later named Champion of Tantervale for his efforts in the war. However, they managed to capture the city of Hasmal which remains under Nevarran occupation even to this day.

Nature though often tends to remind people of how idle their little wars are. In 8:99 Blessed, a year before the age was about to turn the page, dragons appeared and wreaked havoc among the Orlesian and Nevarran countrysides. Many tried, but none succeeded in stopping them. As for the more recent days, when the mage-templar war was ignited, all circles rebelled and Nevarra was also caught in the flames of this terrible fight. However, things got more intense there, with no faction taking complete control in the country. In 9:44 Dragon, Nevarra City is the only place in Thedas that does not settle into the hands of either templars or magi.

In 9:47 Dragon, The Weisshaupt Accord is signed and a ceasefire between Templars and Mages begins.

It has to be noted that the current ruler of Nevarra is Artimus Clavarie, a man who is related to the Orlesian Emperor by marriage. The King is not fond of helping the Orlesians but the war has them on common ground for now.

Brief Timeline[]

  • 2:46 Glory: Caspar Pentaghast seizes the throne from Ionas and becomes the first Pentaghast to rule Nevarra.
  • 3:25 Towers: Nevarra gets occupied by Orlesian Forces.
  • 3:65 Towers: They gain their independence again.
  • 5:37 Exalted: The great military man Tylus Van Markham is crowned king and leads many successful campaigns against the Orlesians. He shapes Nevarra into a formidable nation.
  • 8:70 Blessed: Nevarra wins over the control of the western hills around Parendale.
  • 8:82 Blessed: Thrilled by their victory at Parendale, the Nevarrans lead a campaign against the Marches but are stopped by Cade Arvale, who is later named Champion of Tantervale. During their campaign though, they conquer the city of Hasmal which remains up to this day under Nevarran occupation.
  • 8:99 Blessed: Dragons appear and wreak havoc amidst the countryside of both Orlais and Nevarra. Any attempts to stop them fail.
  • 9:44 Dragon: Nevarra City is the only place that does not settle into the hands of either Templars or Magi during the war.
  • 9:47 Dragon: The Weisshaupt Accord is signed and a ceasefire between Templars and Mages begins.
  • 9:52 Dragon: The current Nevarran King is Artimus Clavarie, who is related to the Orlesian Emperor by marriage.