Thedasrevolutions Wiki

The Spoils of War[]

As a result of war each Circle is under the control of either The Chantry, The Libertarian Order, the Loyalists or The Resolutionists.



Circle of Magi: Chantry rule due to the pious citizens of the country. It is also the most agreeable situation for the Grey Wardens, whereby mages are treated well and ripe for recruitment along with Templars who are exposed to more diplomacy than they might be in the war.


Antiva City[]

Circle of Magi: Chantry rule, since the Divine sees proximity with Tevinter too dangerous to allow the militant Templars to dominate.



Circle of Magi: Loyalists created a new Circle in the University funded by the Crown.


Circle of Magi: The islands which are close to the northern coast of Ferelden. The western side of the town, which is a Circle of Magi tower. A mixture of Traditionalists and Shields the town's security is mostly made up of templar knights in agreement between the Chantry and the Crown.

Kinloch Hold, Lake Calanhad[]

A Libertarian Tower of Magi


Circle of Magi: Both a Circle and a Chantry, however there is no allegiance to a faction here as the war occurs on the surface. Even when surface dwellers from Chantries and Circles come here the founders swat away worries of allegiances and the war. Thus is the perfect place for those Mages, Chantry members and Templars either not wishing to be involved in the war or maintain relationships with those from opposing sides.

Free Marches[]


Resolutionist City: Where the group became strongest first within the Free Marches and launched their campaign to take Starkhaven from. Links: Ansburg (forthcoming)

Kirkwall, Gallows[]

Circle of Magi: Chantry rule has returned to the Templars and Circle here. Things are as they were before Meredith went insane. The KC has initiated a Gallows-wide curfew; no mage is allowed to be out of their quarters past a certain time of the night.


Circle of Magi: Chantry ruled with Shields.


Circle of Magi: Chantry representation but Sword Templars are in control of the Circle. They see it as too strategic a location to allow anybody but themselves regulate mages. Much of Kirkwall's former army of Templars have relocated here.


Libertarian City: The Rebels took advantage of the chaos created before the war even began. City taken with the help of the Resolutionists of Ansburg.



Circle of Magi: This Nevarran Circle is the largest and most powerful controlled by the Andrastian Chantry and the White Divine. Seat of power for the Grand Enchanter of all the Circles. It was an area of extreme violence and besieged during the War and is still in conflict (politically) though the ceasefire has calmed things. It has Seekers within the College walls now, though Templars are still denied access by the Grand Enchanter. Every mage faction is welcome here, but it is still a Circle, run with discipline and structure.

Nevarra City[]

Libertarian City of Magi: Constantly contested and switching rule between mages and Templars until the ceasefire. A tense, dangerous city.


Andoral's Reach[]

Circle of Magi: Under strict Chantry rule, populated heavily with Swords and Seekers. This is now a prison tower and its population is unknown, though there are constant rumours that this is the largest amount of magi held in any one place in the world.


Circle of Magi: Chantry rule, with Traditionalists. The war is not recognised here and neither are any of the factions.


Circle of Magi: Chantry rule, a mixture of factions are stationed here although the Swords numbers are vastly reduced compared to the others.


Circle of Magi: Largest Orlesian Circle. Chantry rule.



Libertarian City of Magi: Has a relationship with the Resolutionists and is tied to their independent city state, Nueva Libertad.

Tevinter Imperium[]

Note: Little is known of the Imperial Circles, with only presumptions made of magi rule gone mad. Some magi see it as a model to look up to, however.


The Imperial Circle of Magi: This Tevinter Circle is the oldest in Thedas and under the jurisdiction of the Black Divine and the Imperial Chantry. Seat of power for the Magisters, the Imperial Senators and the Imperial Archon.





Vol Dorma[]

